
English Posts
Registered at the Japan Patent Office!

We are happy to tell you that the utility model for Yomitol-Kun has been registered! Okada of Aichi Informatio […]

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English Posts
The event "Enjoy playing games by your paralyzed hands with the device Yomitol-Kun was a success!

On March 12, Goisshoshimasho had our first event of the year, “Enjoy playing games by your paralyzed hands wit […]

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English Posts
Enjoy playing games by your paralyzed hands with the device Yomitol-Kun!

I am happy to tell you that Goisshoshimasho will hold an event "Enjoy playing games by your paralyzed hands wi […]

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English Posts
Restarted Blog Yomitol!

To followers, thank you for your continuous warm attention and support to my activity of Yomitol.To new visito […]

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